Sunday, September 28, 2008

Apply cold pack to acne redness yahoo

« ...The first thing I discovered was that almost everyone is getting ripped off by the drug and pharmaceutical companies. The Acne, skin care and drug industries are filled with snake oil marketing vampires that are getting rich by preying on your desperation, hopes and dreams. The second thing I discovered is that almost everyone is dead wrong in the way they try to control and treat their acne. It's a fact; the methods you're probably using right now to clear your acne might be severely damaging your internal system and your health....
...Just like many drugs, the effects of Acnezine may vary from one person to another. The time it takes to see results can also be different for each case. The general rule is to make healthier lifestyle choices to accompany Acnezine supplements. Proper rest, a healthy diet and enough exercise are usually best bets for better overall health-and this includes skin care. In the long run, a solid regimen that employs both internal and external therapy can dramatically reduce your acne and restore a new self-esteem....»
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«...5) Use sunscreen. Daily exposure to ultraviolet light causes microscopic damage to the skin that is sometimes irreversible. Not only can excessive sun exposure cause blotchy spots that some people call "liver spots", but it can also cause wrinkles to show prematurely. Even in the winter months, use at least an SPF 15 facial moisturizer daily....»
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tags: acne free coupon, pine tar soap for acne, acne best medication

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